Staying Healthy on Holiday: Tips on feeling good whilst having all the fun!

Holidays are a time to unwind, relax and rejuvenate! This down time is so important for your mindset, gut & immune system – as it activates your parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system. Sometimes it may seem hard to strike a balance between indulging in new experiences and maintaining your health- but with a few mindful practices you can make sure your holiday is super fun - but also feels super nourishing!

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy on vacation:

  1. Stay Hydrated:

Keep sipping your water – especially throughout your travel journey. Airplane cabins have very low humidity levels, so it’s better to drink more water than you normally would to stay hydrated. The hydration will also help you recover faster from jet lag, improve energy levels and help you get a good night’s sleep when you reach your destination!

  1. Boost your Vitamins:

Traveling to a new place also means exposure to a new environment for your gut and immune system When you’re in an airport or airplane you’re exposed to a high volume of international travellers – I call it “International Germs” lol. You are more vulnerable to catch a bug of some sort during this time, so it’s great practice to boost your vitamins before & during travels! Vitamin D & C are a great addition to your supplement regime.

  1. Stay Active:

No one is saying to hit the gym or do your usual exercise routine – it’s great to take a break and give your body some down time to get some rest mentally and physically. Include light activities like daily walking - Did you know that just walking 30 mins a day improves your cardiovascular health, lowers cholesterol, manages blood pressure, strengthens joints and muscles, improves mood, lowers stress, and burns bodyfat! Now that’s what I call a bang for your buck!

  1. Include Nourishing Foods in your Diet:

Enjoy all the foods your heart desires! The beautiful breakfasts, delicious fried foods & decadent sugary treats <3 But alongside that try to include a some nourishing foods so you’re still getting good nutrients and feeding your good gut bugs. For example, with your breakfast have a small side of fruit, or with your lunch get a side salad for some greens and fiber along with your meal of choice. This will keep your mood and immunity boosted during your holiday!

  1. Relax, Relax & Relax!

The most important tip is to TRULY RELAX. You’re on vacation to getaway from the chaos of your everyday life. Engage in activities that your heart desires and that truly fulfils your soul. If that means doing less and just laying on the beach all day please do it! Or it might be more exploration, daring adventures, or enjoying some buzzing nightlife! Listening to your body and align yourself with what you truly enjoy – this is so beneficial for your overall health & wellness. During this time you can practice some gratitude to further enjoy the present moment and appreciate your down time.  

  1. Bonus tip: Carry Sneaky Snacks!

I don’t know about you, but I love to pack a lot of healthy treats! I carry all my favourite Kind Lyfe Cookies, Cookie Dough Bites, & protein bars for the travel journey, or when I’m out and about and not sure when I’ll be sitting down for a meal. Traveling with your own snacks is honestly a life changing hack - you’ve always got a healthy treat handy whenever you need it!

All these tips are super easy to apply and make the biggest difference towards how you feel when you’re on holiday! I hope they’re helpful for you and if you have any additional tips to share with us please drop them in the comments! Happy Summer Holidays everyone! Wishing you all safe & beautiful journeys <3


My name is Aria - I'm one of the Co-Founders of Kind Lyfe and also a Holistic Health Coach. If you enjoy this type of content and for daily health tips you can follow my wellness page @healthywithari. If you'd like to receive weekly health tips join our mailing list by creating an account on our website <3 




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